
Train services from Rajshahi region may resume after Eid

Published : 12 May 2020 10:09 PM | Updated : 06 Sep 2020 01:57 PM

Train services to and from Rajshahi are likely to resume after the Eid-ul-Fitre this year. Due to Coronavirus situation, all train services in the country remained suspended for a long time. 

Authorities of West Zone Railway, Rajshahi, have already started preparation to ensure social distance aftermath of the resumption of the train services.  

Circles are being drawn after certain distances at the ticket counters and at the platform of the station so that passengers can purchase tickets by standing on the circles and also wait for the train at the platform by standing on the circles. 

Sation Manager of Rajshahi Railway station Abdul Karim said, there is no possibility to resume train services at present and they even did not get any message for the resumption of train services from the higher authorities but there is a chance of resumption of the services in a limited scale after the Eid-ul-Fitr.

As a precautionary measure, circles of maintaining social distances are being drawn at the station platform and on the floor in front of the ticket counters.   He further said the social-distance circles are being drawn in accordance to the directives of the Chief Commercial Manager of West Zone Railway Ahsan Ullah Bhuiyan, Divisional Medical Officer Maruf Hasan and Additional Chief Engineer Abu Zafar Miah. 

Station Manager Abdul Karim further informed, not only the circles are being drawn to ensure social distance but also measure is underway to wash hands with sanitizer by all passengers themselves and the hygienic measure at the station premises is being strengthened.  He added, they are taking preparation so that the train services can be resumed as soon as the government decides to start it.