
Book Fair-2024

Stalin unveils ‘Ak Din Sob Thik Hoye Jabe’

Published : 06 Feb 2024 09:09 PM

Renowned Bengali poet Rezauddin Stalin has captivated audiences once again with the launch of his latest poetry collection, "Ak din sob thik hoye jabe," at the 2024 Book Fair. Published by Kanthaswar Publications and adorned with a captivating cover designed by Mustafiz Karighor, the book promises a unique blend of antipoetry and dreams, offering readers 

a glimpse into a whole new 

world crafted by Stalin's poetic prowess.

Distinctive from his previous works, this collection showcases Stalin's exceptional talent for transforming ordinary words into profound verses, echoing themes of optimism and truth. With over 100 books to his name and translations of his poetry available in 42 languages worldwide, Stalin's literary impact spans across borders.

His contributions to literature have garnered widespread recognition, including prestigious awards such as the Bangla Academy Awards (2005), Michael Madhusudan Dutta Award (2009), and the Sabyasachi Award (2012). Additionally, international publishing houses have embraced his works, further cementing 

his status as a globally acclaimed poet.

Stalin's illustrious career has been adorned with accolades from esteemed organizations like the Khulna Writers Club, Taranga of California, and the UK Journalist Association, among others. Notably, his literary excellence has also been honored with the Darjeeling Natya Chakra Award in 1985 and the Nikolai Gogol Triumph Award.

As "Ak din sob thik hoye jabe" makes its debut, readers worldwide eagerly anticipate delving into the depths of Stalin's poetic vision, expecting nothing short of enlightenment and inspiration within its pages.