
Public transports flout health safety rules

Govt directives must be implemented

Published : 13 Aug 2020 09:55 PM | Updated : 06 Sep 2020 10:45 AM

The situation in most of the public transports in the country is precarious as health safety rules are being disregarded. Transport owners are carrying passengers in full seat capacity and ignoring the need for social distancing. 

There are allegations that transport owners are showing absolutely no regards to the government directives to keep seats vacant in order to ensure social distancing despite the extra amount of fare imposed on the passengers in addition to the regular fixed fare.

Bus passengers are complaining that they are being charged twice as much as the normal fare while all the seats are occupied. These passengers are being put at an increased risk of contracting coronavirus due to close proximity between them. Passengers travelling on long-distance buses are also seen protesting when extra fares are realized by different bus operators. 

This situation must be brought under 

control immediately; otherwise there 

will be disastrous consequences

The services of public transports which remained shut since March 26 to contain the spread of Covid-19 resumed earlier in June. However, the government has asked transport authorities to keep half the seats empty which no one is currently following. 

This situation must be brought under control immediately or else there will be disastrous consequences. While the whole world is grappling to bring the coronavirus under control, Bangladesh is also facing the consequences of the disease. The government must strictly implement health safety rules, especially on public transports.

If the situation is not brought under control quickly, there might be a spike in the number of coronavirus cases. BRTA has been operating mobile courts to check the violations in the metropolitan cities by their executive magistrates and requested the divisional commissioners to operate mobile courts in all the districts as well. 

Additionally, face masks must be made mandatory on all public transports. No one without a face mask should be allowed to get onboard the vehicles. Traffic police must be entrusted with the responsibility of implementing these rules strictly.