
Potholed roads in Ishwardi impassable, locals in distress

Published : 29 Apr 2023 08:27 PM

The important main road of Ishwardi Upazila is now in bad condition. This road along with several others that connect this Upazila to various places have now become impassable due to the creation of big potholes on the road. Residents complain that the road has become in this state due to the movement of ten-wheeler trucks loaded with sand that is heavier than its capacity. Due to the rains of the last two days, the suffering has increased due to water accumulation on the roads.

According to the office of Ishwardi Upazila Executive Engineer, this 5 km road from the railway gate of the city to Civilhot is one of the main roads of Ishwardi. After the renovation in 2018, heavy traffic congestion started on the road. The road is in such a state of disrepair due to the movement of trucks loaded with sand that is heavier than its carrying capacity.

It is known that the Upazila administration office and the sub-registrar's office are near this road. The officers and employees of these two important offices travel on this road every day. People of different classes and professions use this road to take services to the Upazila administration office. 

Employees of Ishwardi EPZ travel through this road in different vehicles. Apart from this, hundreds of people are using this road every day to travel to the entertainment center Saraghat. They are suffering every day due to the bad condition of the road. Ordinary passengers have to suffer accidents.

It can be seen that there are big potholes in most of the 5 km road. Due to the rains of the last two days, water has accumulated and traffic has become more difficult. 

The vehicle is moving very slowly. Vehicles are moving with caution. Some residents living on the side of the road said that trucks loaded with sand from Sara Ghat ply this road from early morning till late at night. This condition of the road is especially due to the movement of ten wheeler trucks. Resident Miraj Hossain said that although the road has been in bad condition for five years, no work has been done to repair this road along with the side roads. Houses on the side of the road shake during the movement of heavy vehicles. 

Dust flies into the houses. Saiful Islam, a battery operated auto-rickshaw driver, said that due to the bad condition of this road, there is a fear of trucks and auto-rickshaws overturning at any time.

Upazila Executive Engineer Enamul Kabir said that the road was made suitable for vehicles weighing 17 tons. But heavy trucks with 30 to 35 tons of sand and soil travel through this road. Due to this, the condition of the road has become day by day. 

He said, this is also one of the important roads of the city. In the Rajshahi Development Project, the road has been requested to be widened and increased in capacity (capacity building). 

If approved, the road will be widened and strengthened.