
Nabanna Utsab

It brings joy for our farmers indeed

Published : 18 Nov 2023 02:36 PM | Updated : 18 Nov 2023 03:43 PM

‘Nabanna Utsab’, a Bengali festival of harvesting new crops, was observed on Thursday amid festivity and fervour across the country.

Jatiya Nabanna Utsab Udjapan Parshad organised Nabanna Utsab 1430 at the Bakultala at the fine arts faculty of Dhaka University in the capital, on Thursday. Apart from the capital Dhaka, people, especially farmers living in the rural area across the country also celebrated the ‘Nabanna Utsab’.

This day is very significant for farmers of the country as they start harvesting new crops on the very first day of the Bengali month of Agrahayan after waiting for months. The celebration of this festival of bringing new crops home has been celebrated in this region for centuries and has become an integral part of the tradition and culture.

With the ray of sunshine of the first day of Agrahayon (Bangla month), the farmers, the integral part of our nation as well as the country’s development, believe the new crops bring new hope and excitement to every home. We also wish this year ‘Nabanna Utsab’ will be blissful one that will be bringing new hopes, opportunities and joy for our farmers.

Agrahayon adds an 

extraordinary dimension

 to the nature and lifestyle 

of Bengal

The Bengali month Agrahayon adds an extraordinary dimension to the nature and lifestyle of Bengal. Therefore, with the arrival of new crops, the nature becomes also colourful.

Tender Aman rice plants got ample sunlight to grow superbly despite less rainfall resulting in excellent output of the crop this time. So, the farmers are going to get a bumper production of the crop.This is a joyous time in the village as the farmers return home with loads of golden paddy and the women make different types of home-made cakes with rice flour, to mark the festival. Relatives come from one village to another to enjoy and share the happiness of the farmers.

Despite shrinking arable land due to rapid urbanisation and increasing non-human consumption, the country’s food security is being ensured by increasing crop production. In this regard, our farmers are playing a pioneering role towards supplying food to the country’s people and ensuring their food security.

All should keep in mind that the country will survive as long as the farmers will survive. If our farmers get all agriculture inputs smoothly, they will be encouraged to utilise every inch of land for food production cultivation. This year’s ‘Nabanna Utsab’ celebration will also play an important role in our national life and remind us to recall our roots.