
Millions travel forThanksgiving despite virus warnings

Published : 24 Nov 2020 08:34 PM

Millions of Americans are already travelling home to celebrate Thanksgiving, despite warnings from health officials amid a significant wave of coronavirus cases and deaths, reports BBC.

Thanksgiving, traditionally a large family get-together that rivals Christmas in size, is on Thursday.

Three million people are reported to have already travelled through US airports from Friday to Sunday.

But the number is around half the usual figure for Thanksgiving travel.

Dr Anthony Fauci, the country's top infectious diseases expert, told CBS News that people in airports "are going to get us into even more trouble than we're in right now".

The number of people flying in the US is the highest since mid-March, when the virus started to spread rapidly in the country.

Cleavon Gilman, an emergency doctor in Arizona, tweeted: "Our pleas for help have fallen on selfish deaf ears."

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On Monday, the US - the worst-hit country in the world - recorded a further 150,000 cases of coronavirus, according to the Covid Tracking Project.

The number of people admitted to hospital with the virus has increased by nearly 50% in the past two weeks, while more than 257,000 have now died of Covid-19 nationwide.

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