
Mental Wellness

Published : 10 Feb 2021 08:31 PM

Seniors sometimes find it hard to cope for various reasons. Here are a few of the challenges our patients say they have difficulty facing:

•    Death and loss of family, friends and loved ones

•    Symptoms of depression, such as changes in mood, appetite, sleep patterns, loss of interest in activity they once enjoyed, lack of energy, and death wish

•    Anxiety, fears, worries

•    Relationship and family problems

•    Loneliness and feelings of isolation

•    Difficulty remembering

•    Stress and difficulty with changes

•    Physical health problems

Evaluation and Assessment:

Leading-edge assessment and diagnostic tools help us identify how to best help a senior who's having difficulty coping with life’s demands.

Individual Therapy:

One-on-one meetings help monitor symptoms and measure results.

Group Therapy:

Small groups of seniors with similar issues meet with a therapist for a guided, relevant discussion.

Family Education & Support:

No one is an island. By helping family and caregivers understand the therapeutic approach to the senior’s issues, faster healing can take place.

    Courtesy: URMC