
Int’l Women’s Day 2024

Treat women as fellow travellers in the same journey

Published : 07 Mar 2024 10:27 PM

Women’s empowerment is interative to build a peaceful and prosperous society. We all must therefore, build a future where world peace and women empowerment remain the cornerstone to create a society free from poverty, discrimination and conflict.

On the occasion of the International Women’s Day, we believe it is possible to change the overall scenario of the country by ensuring equal participation of women in all levels of the national development, which would help attain Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The womenfolk are leaving their footprints in all sectors, including politics, trade and business and job, without any restriction now.

We foresee a future where women and men work hand in hand for human development. The International Women’s Day is being observed today (Friday) across the country as elsewhere in the world with the theme ‘Invest in women: Accelerate progress’ recognising the contribution of women and girls around the world, who are leading the charge on climate change adaptation, mitigation, and response, to build a more sustainable future for all. The world is facing a plethora of crises, ranging from geopolitical conflicts to soaring poverty levels and the escalating impacts of climate change. These challenges can only be addressed by solutions that empower women.  

By investing in women, we can spark change and speed the transition towards a healthier, safer, and more equal world for all. Without gender equality today, a sustainable future, an equal future, remains out of reach, a United Nations (UN) latest study says.

In Bangladesh, the government is implementing massive programmes to prevent all kinds of violence to women, including establishing women rights, spreading education for them and empowering women, to bring gender parity. Women and girls experience the greatest impacts of the climate crisis as it amplifies existing gender inequalities and puts women’s lives and livelihood at risk. In our country the women are playing a vital role in different areas, including politics, judiciary, administration, education, health, armed forces and law enforcing agencies.

We foresee a future

 where women and men work

hand in hand for

 human development

Different countries and international organisations, including the UN, praised the government for attaching priority to development of the womenfolk. But, women are still being tortured and abandoned while many other meeting the tragic end of their lives because of dowry-related, extra-marital affairs and other issues everyday in our country. Many women mostly young girls and women are also being trafficked out to neighbouring and other foreign countries. Most of the women in the country are still facing sexual harassment in some form or various forms on the roads, in public transports, at educational institutions, in the workplace and also at home.

It indicates violence against women in the country is increasing at an alarming rate in every level at present. The incidents of rape, torture, trafficking and violence are on the rise as perpetrators were not brought to justice quickly and exemplary punishments were not ensured in most of the cases.

Even if women are victims of sexual harassment, they cannot complain for fear of losing their jobs and being socially degraded. The rate of women education has increased while government has been creating newer employment opportunities for women.

Therefore, apart from the government, all stake holders will have to work relentlessly to eliminate all kinds of discriminatory behaviours and practices to women, prevent violence against them, bring down the child marriage rate to zero, ensure equal wages for men and women in workplaces and facilitate the women entrepreneurs with separate banking and marketing systems. However, the equality of men and women cannot be achieved even by law and it will only be possible through positive change of mindset, ethics and values. Everyone should treat girls and women as fellow colleagues in the same journey.