
Impact of climate change evident in Rajshahi

Published : 02 Dec 2021 08:20 PM

Though it is early December, there is no trace of winter in Rajshahi. In the early morning, the weather becomes slightly cool and dewdrops are deposited on grass. But, with the appearance of the sun, the day temperature continued to rise. At noon, the temperature becomes hot like the early summer. People are still using electric fans at daytime inside their rooms and offices.

Usually, from early November, the day temperature drops and dewdrops are seen accumulated on grass and leaves. But even in early December, winter is playing truant in Rajshahi.

Due to ubiquitous behavior of nature, some common diseases have been spread in Rajshahi. A large number of people are seen to be attacked with cold and conjunctivitis. Moreover, the viral diseases like diarrhea and fever have also been spread throughout the district.

The impact of climate change is also seen on the growth and development of various plants. Though the Burflower is seen during early rainy season, those flowers have been bloomed in many trees during this time.

It is a peak time for growing of winter vegetables plants. But the farmers of Godagari and Tanore upazilas informed, the growth of winter vegetables is being hampered and are being attacked with virulent pests and insects. Specially, the growth of the creeper vegetables like gourd, bitter gourd, Potol, Lau etc are being hampered badly. And the vegetables farmers are failing to reap their  fresh products from the field. They further informed, the regeneration of pest is controlled naturally with the approach of winter but this year it looks difference. Due to prolonged summer and warm weather, the pest attacks in the fields of Tomato, eggplant, radish, cauliflower and cabbages have been redoubled. Farmers are using insecticides to control pests but even those are not working well.

Weather Office sources in Rajshahi informed, the rain fall in Rajshahi has been continually dropped during the last three years. This year, there was also not sufficient rainfall in Rajshahi. Even, the farmers are irrigating Aman paddy fields by using deep tube wells for the last couple of years.

The sub-terrane water levels is also not being recharged due to lack of sufficient rainfall and use of under ground water for irrigation purposes. Moreover, due to diversion of flow of water of the river Padma through Farakka barrage, the entire Rajshahi region is facing an environmental catastrophe.

The abnormal rise of day temperature even during the off-set of winter has dried up ponds, canals and water bodies of the district.

Meteorological sources in Rajshahi informed, the highest day temperature in Rajshahi is still 28 degree Celsius on an average while the lowest temperature is 18 degree Celsius on an average. Due to such high day and night temperature, it seems that the winter is far behind even at the early December.