
Don’t let public universities become playground for hooligans

General students facing untold miseries

Published : 24 Feb 2020 06:36 PM | Updated : 06 Sep 2020 08:58 PM

Getting into a public university was once the dream of every ambitious student of the country. The entrance examination itself used to be a very selective process taking only the best students for studying in the top ranking universities of the country. Thus, this has created the idea amongst the masses that anyone studying in a public university is better than others. But, today the reality is far from the concept. Students getting into public universities are facing various adverse situations which are far from the realms of a struggling scholar. Truth be told, these situations are not pro-academic rather they are quite opposite.

A report published in this daily projects that physical and mental tortures, harassment and humiliation by seniors and severe accommodation crisis are causing many public university students’ dream of obtaining higher degrees to fade away.

This type of situation has been prevalent in public universities for a long time but at recent times the situation has worsened. We want the authorities concerned to take note of the seriousness of the issue. This is to say the least and those that are connected with this sort of hooliganism should be brought to justice. A simple expulsion is not sufficient for such criminal activities. Essentially, this affects the productive mentality of a student who can be beneficial for the state after he earns his higher degree.

This is intolerable to say the least and those that are 

connected with this sort of hooliganism 

should be brought to justice. A simple 

expulsion is not sufficient for such criminal activities

Experts opine that the victims of ragging suffer maximum in terms of depression, isolation and demoralisation that may result in psychological trauma, including anxiety, chronic depression, or post-traumatic stress disorder. And, in extreme cases, the victim can even commit suicide due to mental pressure.

A student studying in the tertiary level of education is an asset of the state that can be used for the development of the nation. This begets the idea that the students must be nurtured properly and academically to fully make use of their potentialities. 

The authorities should take proper and necessary steps to stop all forms of hooliganism from the campuses of public universities from where great minds are expected to come out and lead the country in future.