
Decline in child malnutrition

Great strides in achieving SDGS

Published : 25 Feb 2020 07:11 PM | Updated : 06 Sep 2020 02:56 PM

Bangladesh has achieved remarkable success in health and nutrition in the past few years with a massive decline in child malnutrition. Particularly of importance is the level of stunting, which fell from 42 percent to 28 percent in six years. 

Underweight prevalence in children has also dropped significantly, indicating an improvement in nutrition. The survey report will promote data-driven public discourse and policymaking for the betterment of the children in Bangladesh as a middle-income country, according to experts. 

In order to achieve sustainable development, the country must prioritize the needs of the most vulnerable groups, including children and take action accordingly. We have to invest in children and youth as well as nurture their potential in order to utilize the demographic advantage that we have.

Ensuring nutrition and wellbeing of children are crucial for improving the quality of life of citizens. For a better tomorrow, we must 

Ensuring nutrition and wellbeing

 of children are crucial for improving 

the quality of life of citizens

prioritize the health of children and young people. Though the country has undergone rapid growth in terms of economy, the nutrition quality is still lagging behind due to poverty and lack of 


Reports indicate that we have achieved significant progress in terms of ensuring nutrition, but we have a long way to go. In order to become a developed nation, we have to eradicate poverty and prioritize health. Both physical and mental health must be ensured and we need to raise awareness on the needs of children and 


Parents, primary caregivers and schools must come together to understand the needs of young children and how to provide the right nutrition for them. Screenings at district level clinics should be made available so that guardians can identify the deficiencies in children and act accordingly. 

We must not become complacent at small 

victories, but instead focus on improving the situation more, especially for the most vulnerable sections of society. There needs to be a higher allocation of budget to ensuring nutrition and wellbeing for all children.