Education & Culture

BRAC Univ ignites discussion with Manzoor Ahmed’s Book

Published : 10 Mar 2024 08:58 PM

BRAC University recently hosted a stimulating discussion on Professor Manzoor Ahmed's latest book, "Bangladesh in the 21st Century: Transformation of Education," shedding light on the imperative need for educational reform in Bangladesh.

The book, authored by Professor Manzoor Ahmed, critically examines the current education system, advocating for comprehensive restructuring across all levels, from pre-primary to higher education. It serves as a valuable resource for those advocating positive changes in the educational landscape of Bangladesh.

Distinguished panelists including Professor Dr. Muhammed Alamgir, Acting Chairman of the University Grants Commission of Bangladesh, and Professor Syed Mahfuzul Aziz, Acting Vice-Chancellor of BRAC University, engaged in dynamic discourse on the subject.

Dr. Alamgir emphasized political commitment as the foundation for addressing educational challenges, stressing the importance of innovative teaching methods over mere curriculum changes.

Professor Manzoor Ahmed highlighted the need for setting educational priorities in line with socio-economic contexts and emphasized the role of political will in driving educational improvements.

The discussion resonated with participants from various universities, showcasing the collective commitment to advancing educational quality in Bangladesh.

Prior to the discussion, esteemed guests toured BRAC University's environmentally conscious campus, praising its academic excellence and sustainability efforts.

Professor Manzoor Ahmed's distinguished career in education and development, coupled with his insightful scholarship, continues to shape educational discourse in Bangladesh and beyond.

The event underscores BRAC University's role as a catalyst for intellectual exchange and societal progress, signaling a concerted effort towards a more equitable and prosperous educational landscape in Bangladesh.