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Word of The Day


[re-truh-spek-shuhn] Noun; the action, process, or faculty of looking back on things past.

Published : 30 Dec 2019 06:04 PM | Updated : 07 Sep 2020 08:39 AM

Origin of Retrospection

Retrospection, and the slightly earlier noun retrospect, are based on retrospect-, past participle stem of New Latin retrōspicere “to look,” based on Latin adverb retrō “backward, back, behind” and specere “to look (at).” Retrospection, then, is the act of looking back, as many do when reflecting at the end of the year. The stem retrospect– may be partly based on (pro)spect, from Latin prōspectus “outlook, view,” composed of prō “before, in front of, for” and the same specere. Latin specere is the ultimate source of many English words involving various senses of “looking”: aspect, circumspect, expect, inspect, introspect, spectacular, and suspect, among many others. Retrospection entered English in the early 1600s.

How is retrospection used?    

Every separate day in the year is a gift presented to only one man—the happiest one … and it often happens that he recognizes his day only in retrospection … He was roused from the reverie of retrospection and regret produced by it …