
Medications for tetanus (part 7)

Published : 14 Mar 2022 08:02 PM

• Antitoxin therapy is used to target toxins that have not yet attacked nerve tissues. This treatment, called passive immunization, is a human antibody to the toxin.

• Sedatives that slow the function of the nervous system can help control muscle spasms.

• Vaccination with one of the standard tetanus vaccinations helps your immune system fight the toxins.

• Antibiotics given either orally or by injection, may help fight tetanus bacteria.

• Other drugs: Other medications might be used to regulate involuntary muscle activity, such as your heartbeat and breathing. Morphine might be used for this purpose as well as for sedation.

Supportive therapies:

Supportive therapies include treatments to make sure your airway is clear and to provide breathing assistance. A feeding tube into the stomach is used to provide nutrients. The care environment is intended to reduce sounds, light or other possible triggers of generalized spasms.

Courtesy: Mayo Clinic