
Laser therapy for rosacea (part 5)

Published : 27 Feb 2022 07:23 PM

Laser therapy can make enlarged blood vessels less visible. Because the laser targets visible veining, it's most effective on skin that isn't tanned, brown or black.

Talk with your doctor about the risks and benefits of laser therapy. Side effects of laser therapy for rosacea include swelling and bruising that might last for several days. Icing and gentle skin care will be needed during the recovery period. On brown or black skin, laser treatment might cause long-term or permanent discoloration of the treated skin.

The full effect of the treatment might not be noticeable for weeks. Repeat treatments may be needed periodically to maintain the improved appearance of your skin.

Laser treatment for rosacea is usually considered a cosmetic procedure, which insurance typically doesn't cover.

    Courtesy: Mayo Clinic