
How to diagnose HPP (part 4)

Published : 30 Apr 2022 08:18 PM

If you or your child have symptoms of HPP, your doctor will ask about your family history and do a thorough exam. It will include x-rays and blood tests.

If they suspect HPP, they can do a genetic test to see whether you or your child have mutations in the ALP-producing gene. But this test isn’t widely available and can be expensive. Fortunately, doctors can often diagnose HPP with other tests.

Sometimes, your doctor suspects HPP after they find abnormal enzyme levels during a routine blood test. They'll do follow-up tests, and look at things like age and family history, to confirm an HPP diagnosis.

If you suspect HPP, you can ask to be tested for low ALP. Keep in mind, though, that other, more common conditions can also cause abnormal enzyme levels.

Because most doctors are not HPP specialists, some families face frustrating delays in getting diagnosed. If you inform yourself about the causes and signs of HPP, you can discuss your concerns with your doctor knowledgeably and help them figure out what's causing the symptoms.

    Courtesy: WebMD