
Fateha Sharif of Mujaddedia Tariqa imam observed

Published : 23 Sep 2022 06:09 PM | Updated : 23 Sep 2022 06:09 PM

The 410th death anniversary of Sultanul Mashayek Hazrat Shaikh Ahmed

chir hind Mujadded Al-Feshanee (RA), Imam of Mujaddedia Tariqa, was

observed on Friday at the Mia Shaheb's Maidan Khanka Sharif, Luxmibazar in the old city of Dhaka.

The akheri munajat was conducted by Syed Ahamadur Rahim, present pir

(Ninth gaddinashin) and 5th mutawalli of Abu Yousuf Abdullah (Ra) Waqf

Estate and Director of Shah Saheb Bari Jame Mosque.

Pesh Imam and Khatib of Shah Saheb's Bari Jame Mosque and other

Islamic scholars participated in the discussion on the occasion.

After Magrib prayers, the programme began through recitation of verses

from the Quran by Mohammad Ishtiaq Sazzadur Rahman, Hafez Md Faruque

and Hafez Mohammad Rahmatullah.  A milad mahfil was organised after

the Magrib prayers which was conducted by Syed Mohammad Barkatullah Badruddin.

Later, tabarak was distributed among the devotees.