
Complications, diagnosing retroperitoneal fibrosis (part 3)

Published : 26 Jul 2021 11:03 PM

The complications associated with this disease vary. The size and location of the excess tissue growth can cause damage to various areas served by the abdominal aorta.

If this condition goes untreated, serious problems result from swelling and blockage of the ureters. This may result in chronic kidney failure and long-term blockage of the ureters, which can cause urine backup and kidney swelling.

Untreated retroperitoneal fibrosis can also lead to the cutting off of the blood supply to the legs, which in turn can lead to further dangerous complications.

Diagnosing retroperitoneal fibrosis

An accurate diagnosis requires the use of CT or MRI scans of your abdomen. Additional tests used to confirm the diagnosis include:

•    blood tests to measure kidney function, anemia, and inflammation

•    an X-ray of the kidneys and ureters, which is called an intravenous pyelogram

•    an ultrasound of the kidneys

•    a biopsy to check for cancer cells

    Courtesy: Health Line