Education & Culture

‘Muktijoddha Sangsad Sontan Command’ demands quota restoration

Published : 29 Feb 2024 09:05 PM
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In a bid to advocate for the restoration of quotas in government jobs, including the freedom fighter quota, the Muktijoddha Sangsad Sontan Command is set to hold a rally today at Shahbag Square.

The demand for quota restoration was announced during a press briefing on Thursday noon at the Dhaka University Journalists’ Association’s office. Present at the meeting were key members of the organization, including President Mahbubul Islam Prince, General Secretary Al Mamun, Vice President Firoj Ahmed Sujon, Kanij Fatema, Shahin Matubbar, and Joint Secretary Supriyo Chandra Das.

In their official statement, the organization emphasized that quotas do not breed discrimination but rather reduce it. They pointed out that many countries worldwide implement quota systems as a means to establish a discrimination-free environment. The group stressed the importance of reinstating the quota system to achieve this goal.

Additionally, the organization put forward several other demands during the press briefing. These demands include the publication of a list of Rajakars, the establishment of a dedicated cell to prevent torture against the families of freedom fighters, the formation of a quota restoration commission, and the election of Muktijoddha Sangsad representatives.

The rally is expected to draw attention to these pressing issues and advocate for their resolution.